2009 Panama Short Term Mission – Kalam Chan
Have you ever taken a leap faith by challenging yourself to get out and be involved in a short-term term mission? Putting faith in action was the theme of the 2009 Panama English Youth Camp.
Taking a leap of fait by traveling all the way to Panama City and helping out, among other thirty-plus helpers, in this English Youth camp marked the beginning of a new adventure in my spiritual life!
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
James 1:22
Jesus had spent his whole life as a witness of His Father’s Love. Just as God has sent his one and only son into this world to be a witness for him, God has chosen each and everyone of us, as followers of Christ, to be visible signs of God’s sacrificial and unconditional love in this world. So the question becomes: How can we be witnesses in the Name of Jesus, especially when we were currently living in a world so torn apart by hatred, rivalries and selfishness?
Here’s another question good for pondering: why would I want to spend money out of my own pocket and travel all the way to Panama just to do some volunteering and/ or teaching in an English Youth camp when I have never even met any of these youths before? How can I justify joining such a mission trip in return for sacrificing my precious summer holiday with my family?
The short answer to that question is: we would not know what we have missed out in our lives and the blessings that were above and beyond our imaginations that would have come from God. Sometimes, our fear gets in the way because we aren’t sure what we are supposed to say or do to make people accept the love that God offers them and how to react afterwards when they reject the truth.
Over the 5 days 4 nights English camp, each of us as servants are grouped into the various swat teams comprising of 3 non-local servants, a local servant and 4 to 7 campers. Despite the fact that most of us are strangers since the first day to meet each other, it was fascinating to witness how God’s love was among us and that we grow to love one another just like in a big family in a short period of time. It was also in this environment where the non-Christian youths could catch a glimpse of the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed and they were drawn to it like a magnet.
The servants are all called upon to come forward to Panama for a common cause: teaching English to the local youths, sharing the gospel with non-Christians and making disciples of all nations. Throughout the camp, there were also lots of fun and exciting activities such as team-building games, amazing race, praise and worship as well as skit performances.
Through daily personal interactive small group gatherings, we all came to know the youths really well so that we have opportunities to move and touch their hearts and lives. WE shared out lives’ experiences and impact one another. Every day presented great opportunities to share with the youths how having faith in God shapes, molds and transforms our characters, our value systems, our purpose in life – to live a more abundant and fruitful life. And, as they grow, they are equipped to share their experiences just like us to influence others whom they come across in their lives.
During the bedside fellowship times, we were all so willing to open up freely to share out joys as well as our personal struggles so that we learned to carry each other’s burden to Christ through prayers. There were tears, laughter, encouragement and fellowship with one another in the Holy Spirit.
On the last day of the camp, we as servants in the group were so eager to talk to a few youths and find out whether they were ready to make a decision for Christ We spoke whatever language that worked under the guidance of the Holy Sprit. When a youth nodded her head, we all jumped off our chairs hugging her and welcoming her into this big family. The sower and the reaper were all joyful together, giving the glory to our God.
In a world so torn apart by hatred and rivalry, God has given all of us as Christians the privilege to be his Kingdom’s precious children and be living witness of his love – such a powerful love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.