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English Camp 2019

Photo Credit: Pastor Joel Tang

English Camp 2019

English Ministry

Panama English Youth Gospel Camp

We are planning to resume Panama English Camp in 2023 !!

Panama English Camp is a gospel youth camp that also focuses on improving conversational English. The chance to improve one’s language skills is the draw for many non-Christian parents and youths.

Share the gospel and care for the spiritual needs of mainly Chinese youths in Panama, while using the medium of the English language. Our hope is to reach out to the families through the youths.

Provide a warm and encouraging atmosphere to help youths (ages 12-22) learn about God\'s love, and improve their conversational and written English through a variety of activities.

Challenge churches to respond by sending suitable short term missionaries (STM) to care for the youths and exemplify Christ in their lives. Help provide an English-speaking environment for the youths to practice their English language skills as well as encourage them spiritually. Help plan and participate in camp activities such as English Classes, skits, large group games, and crafts. STMs will also assist in a youth outreach event at a local church to help connect the youths to the local churches.

Age Requirement of STM-members
Must be 18 or older (if a minor, must be accompanied by a family member)

Mission Dates: 6/2/23 to 6/12/23*
Camp Dates: Mon to Fri, June 5-9*
On-site Training: Sat to Sun, June 3-4 (STMs arrive by Fri, Jun 2)
Local Outreach Event: Sunday, June 11
Registration Fee: US $245* (covers the cost of camp from 6/5-6/9)
Estimated Budget: US $245 + $550 (pre & post camp lodging/meals/transportation) + flight ticket

The camp will be at the Hotel Camping Resort which is located a little outside of Panama City in Chilibre.

* Subject to change

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will be no Panama English Camp 2020. We hope to have the camp again in 2021. Please check back again in early January 2021.

EC Roles Description General Document

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其他 有關基督教網頁
在 2000 年;建立了聖經學院,訓練神的工人往拉丁美洲搶救散居各地的失喪靈魂的同胞。
在神的眷顧恩領下,世界各地區的華人宣道會,聯合組成一個世界華人宣道會團契,以表達彼此合一的關係。 團契的使命與目的是促進在各地的華人宣道會加入為團契會員,在實踐大使命上合作和促進世界各地華人宣道會彼此關懷、互相支持、資源整合及事工協調,共同關心世界各地華人福音的需要。
Apply for Short Term Mission
     Download Application Form
STM Requirements
1. Baptized and have a desire to serve others in a cross-cultural environment
2. Must be 18 or older (if minor, must be accompanied by a family member)
3. Approved and prepared by sending church to come and serve

STM Sign up
If interested, please complete an application form and return to englishcamp.pa@gmail.com, or your local team leader. Application deadline: Mon, Feb 13, 2023

Church Sponsors
Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches (Panama, Canada, & US), Misión Cristiana China de Colon, & Iglesía Evangelíca China.

Contact Information
Kim ChenEmail: englishcamp.pa@gmail.com / Phone: 734-330-2752 (US)

Additional information
1. On Facebook look for the group “English Camp Ministry - Panama”
2. Visit the C&MA Panama website (www.cmapanama.org/egc.php)
3. On YouTube, query for “Panama English Camp” and view videos from 2008-2017

為甚麼 需要參加短期宣教?
最偉大的宣教經文之一,莫過於馬太福音講述在那個復活清晨,天使所說話中便可以看見。其中四個單字便把主耶穌以福音去接觸人的程序和計劃提綱挈領的說出了。 那四個字就是:來,看,去和告訴。除此之外,還有那一處可以找到更完備的綱要和更簡潔的敘述呢!把救恩信息和宣教經文,全都結合起來的。 只要我們真誠地「來」到基督面前尋求救恩,直至「看」見了福音的真理,我們就必須「去」到普天下,「告訴」世人。我們這位復活之主正建立祂的教會,並且不久將要再來。 這項真理應當令到我們願意奔跑,將這好消息告訴其他人!(太廿八:1–8)

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2009 Annual Report Promotion Clip
短期宣教申請表 宣教體驗營報名表
短宣隊員須知 Guidelines for Mission
巴拿馬宣教動向與策略 如何選擇短宣工場

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Email: webmaster@cmapanama.org